利盛模具是一家集设计开发、生产制造、市场营销、技术服务于一体的螺丝模具**制造商。公司拥有一百多人的**生产团队,各种先进生产设备和检测仪器百余台,采用闽台春保钨钢及**的材料和**的真空热处理,为螺丝制造厂商设计制造配套模具。 LeeSheng Mould is a professional manufacturer of screw mold, which specializes in designing, producing, selling, and technical serving. Our company has a professional team of more than 100 employees and all kinds of advanced production equipments and testing instruments. We use Taiwan tungsten steel and other good-quality materials and professional vacuum heat treatment to design and produce the assorted molds for the manufacturers of screws.